FPI / FII Portfolio investments are closely tracked by the investor community. FPI/FII are generally a little ahead of the curve due to their financial might and reach. Hence, it could be beneficial for investors to take cues from FII Activity. Now you can track which FPI and FII are actively buying and selling stocks along with their greater than 1% holding in a particular company. With this data you can confidently gauge the portfolio preferences of foreign institutional investors in Indian stock market along with FPI/FII investment trends. You can see if Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) have been net buyers or net sellers in stocks. The data is from 01-Jan-2015 till date. The data is updated on a daily basis and can be found at Nse India and Bse India websites.

To start with here is the data for some of the Latest Quater Addition to 1% Holding by FII and FPI:

After having a look at latest additions to 1% holding data, let's have a look at the latest activities by FII and FPI in bulk deals reported by exchanges. These are the stocks which you can add to your watch list for second level review:

Just in case you are interested in historical analysis, you can use the filters below to do the same for 1% holding data of FII and FPI. You can also use the tool creatively for relative performance comparison of different FII and FPI. Make a list of few FII's whose performance has been good historically and keep a watch on their next activity. This is what following smart money means.

Track FII/FPI more than 1% Holding in Various Companies

You can do similar historical analysis as above for bulk deal data of FII and FPI using filters below. Again, use the tool creatively for relative performance comparison of different FII and FPI. Make a list of few FII's whose performance has been good historically and keep a watch on their next activity. Let me repeat again - this is what following smart money means.

Track FII/FPI Large Buying and Selling in Various Companies

How to use FII Portfolio Investment Tool

This tool is best suited for stock market investors who do not want to take the pain of doing fundamental and technical analysis, but want handsome returns. FII’s and FPI’s are generally a little ahead of the curve and, hence, it won't hurt a retail investor to take cues from their investment activity. FPI’s and FII’s are backed by strong analytical teams and their investment decisions are based on careful analysis of fundamental and technical parameters of the company. They take care of the hard part and investors just need to mimic their portfolio in a timely manner (i.e. buy the stock when FII buy and sell the stock when they sell). Now to achieve this, investors need to know what stocks FPI and FII’s are buying and selling on a daily basis. Here our “FII Portfolio Investments” tracking tools come handy. Using this tool, investors can track the stocks in which FII’s are most interested in by analysis what they are buying and selling on NSE and BSE on a daily basis. Please find below few steps which we have identified for you to maximise the output from this tool:

1. Identify the FPI or FII whose portfolio you want to mimic – The first step is to search and make a list of a few of the FII’s whose ability you trust in. You can do so by researching their website, reading news articles from Moneycontrol, Eonomic Times etc. There are basically two types of FII’s – one with a short term perspective and another with a long term perspective. Make a list based on your investing style. If you are looking for short term profit, go for FII’s with hot money and if you are a long term investor you should search for long only FII’s or FPI’s.

2. Track the stocks they are investing in – Once you have made the list of FII’s, use our tool to check which stocks FII’s are investing in. The best part is, you can track their investments on a daily basis and buy the stock very next day from the stock exchanges. There is no need to read through a lot of news articles and do a lot of research to find out who is buying what. Just one click and all the FII activity data for the day are available on the screen. To validate what you have found, you can also check if other FII’s have invested in the same stock or not.

3. Investment Decision – Once the list of FPI investments or FII investments is available, the last step is to take the buy or sell decision. Before taking the buying or selling decisions just ask yourself some basic questions like how the economy is doing, is the stock in question has a bright future ahead, is the management of the company good, is the stock market at peak etc. These questions are pure common sense questions and do not require more than five minutes to answer. Once you have the answer, you can go ahead with your buying and selling decision.


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1. We do not provide real-time data.
2. The data is updated every End Of Day.
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