Mutual Fund Portfolio investments are closely tracked by the investor community. As Mutual Fund invest in companies having good fundamentals and high standards of corporate governance, following Mutual Funds buying and selling patterns is widely considered as a rewarding, but painless strategy for an active and disciplined investor. Mutual Funds are generally a little ahead of the curve and, hence, it's beneficial for retail investor to take cues from Mutual Funds Activity. Now you can track which Mutual Fund are actively buying and selling stocks along with their greater than 1% holding in a particular company. With this data you can confidently gauge the portfolio preferences of various Mutual Fund AMC's in Indian stock market along with Mutual Fund investment trends. You can see if Mutual Funds have been net buyers or net sellers in stocks. The data is from 01-Jan-2015 till date. The data is updated on a daily basis and can be independently verified at Nse India and Bse India websites.

Track Top Mutual Fund more than 1% Holding in Various Companies

Track Top Mutual Funds Large Buying and Selling in Various Companies

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